This checklist is amazing. (If at first the checklist fails to load, press F5 or try navigating to it through here.)

It probably very much depends on the assessor, but according to my judgement, George W. Bush displays almost all of the listed psychopathic characteristics. I gave him 38 points out of 40. A score of 25-30 or more supports a diagnosis of psychopathy. Average scores in prisoner population are about 22, and average scores in normal population are about 5.

This might explain why different people see this president so differently. (There is still a substantial proportion of US population that appears to support Bush, for some reason.) I'm thinking the difference might be that some people lack the fundamental capability to 'read' people. According to recent articles in New Scientist, about 2% of the population cannot recognize a face - not even faces of people they've known a lifetime. It stands to reason that a larger percentage of the population would recognize faces but would have trouble interpreting the person - establishing an accurate mental model of what the person is like, rather than just hearing what he says and taking it at face value. (My mother, for example, has trouble understanding sarcasm. She's known me and my dad for the better part of her life, and she can't tell when either of us is being sarcastic; she takes it seriously. I reckon there are many more people like that out there.)

I hated Bush since before he was elected president. I knew he was a detestable person from the first few times I saw him. I felt despair as if a great tragedy had befallen the United States when he was elected. Yet, when I was confronted with some who supported him, I couldn't really argue against him persuasively, because essentially, my argument was that he is a detestable person. It was subjective.

Yet, now I learn that his behavior supports a diagnosis of psychopathy.

So now, knowing everything that happened since 2000, one might argue that this subjective impression from 6 years ago wasn't so subjective after all, now - was it?