In European supermarkets I've been to - Slovenian at least - you always need to bag your own groceries. You are pretty much in competition with the cashier in whether you'll be able to bag the groceries in time for them to pass you the bill. In St. Kitts, there's almost always someone there to bag the groceries for you. Sometimes there is more than one person. Sometimes there's even someone who helps you take the groceries to the car - all jobs that don't exist in Europe.
Then there's the local Marriott hotel, which appears to have built a parking lot insufficient for its current popularity. On the busier evenings, people parked all over the place, making the parking lot impossible to navigate. What would a European manager do? Install an expensive ramp to count the number of cars and refuse entry when the parking lot is full. What does the St. Kitts Marriott do? They have a guy standing there all evening, and he lets you in if there are parking spaces available, and doesn't let you in if it is full.
Why do these jobs exist in St. Kitts, but they don't exist in Europe? Why do Europeans employ machinery for the same purpose Kittitians employ people? Is it technological backwardness? That's probably a factor - equipment is more difficult to get here, to install, and to maintain. But if that were all, why do St. Kitts customers get groceries bagged for them, while European customers must do without?
Perhaps the answer might have something to do with the government being keen to see local companies employ more people. But - governments like to see companies employ more people everywhere.
I propose that European stores do not have people bagging groceries for you because of two things:
- Minimum wage.
- Laws make it difficult to fire people.
That, and the minimum wage, make it more efficient to replace a person with a machine, or to even not provide an unessential service, to the detriment of all.
Showing 5 out of 5 comments, oldest first:
Comment on Feb 17, 2008 at 03:37 by verbatim
Do in St. Kitts (like on some other islands) still employ people at gas stations so they can fill your car tank :) ? I found this job unneccesary.
Comment on Feb 17, 2008 at 16:12 by denisbider
Comment on Feb 18, 2008 at 16:13 by Anonymous
In če bi šel sam nakupovat v trgovino, ne vem, zakaj bi moral nekdo mi držati vrečo. V bistvu to pomeni, da so izdelki dražje, ker morajo še nosače vzdrževati.
Comment on Feb 18, 2008 at 16:46 by denisbider
odgovor na tvoj prvi odstavek: v članku ne govorim o tem, da je na St. Kittsu civilizacija na višji stopnji, ker to preprosto ni. Govorim o tem, kako je možno, da večja ekonomska svoboda omogoča, da najdejo produktivno zaposlitev tudi tisti, ki v rigidnejšem okolju sicer visijo na Zavodu. Po mojem mnenju veliko večino nezaposlenosti ustvarijo birokrati in sindikati z ustvarjanjem nefleksibilnih razmer na trgu delovne sile.
Odgovor na tvoj drugi odstavek: po taki logiki čistoča po tleh pri nakupovanju prav tako ni nujna, saj imaš vendar obute čevlje in ne rabiš pobirati ničesar iz tal. Zato je odveč, da Interspar zaposluje čistilke, saj bi brez težav lahko hodili tudi po umazaniji.
Nakupovanje, pri katerem ti ni treba samemu basati stvari v vrečo, temveč to storijo drugi namesto tebe, je pač veliko bolj komfortno, kot pa če moraš tekmovati s prodajalko. Tako kot je veliko bolj komfortno nakupovati v urejeni trgovini, v kateri so tla čista.
Seveda pa nimam čisto nič proti, če sam obuješ škornje in nakupuješ v Hofferju. :)
Comment on Jun 6, 2008 at 15:15 by Anonymous