Let me tell you a real story. It's about this doofus who leaves home for 3 weeks, just after accidentally flipping the switch that shuts off the refrigerator and freezer, with piles of meat and other spoilable items inside. He only realizes that he might have turned off the fridge when he is already at the airport. But at that point, turning back would mean missing the flight; and then again, he isn't sure that he actually turned off the fridge, there's a chance that it could be still running.

So the guy proceeds with the trip and comes back home as scheduled in three weeks. He finds that the fridge is off. What's inside?

A crime scene from CSI, that's what. Piles of rotten meat, a stench that stinks to high heaven, maggots crawling, hundreds of larvae, larvae and maggots everywhere - on the door, in the cracks, in the ice dispenser; the freezer light doesn't turn on because there are larvae on the switch.

It looks like most people who have to go through this kind of thing, do so after having had to evacuate their homes for a few weeks during a hurricane. Me, I need no hurricane. Just a misfortunate flip of a switch in a hurry before leaving... :-)

We're yet to see if the fridge can be salvaged. For now, it's off to the store to buy bleach, baking soda - then possibly charcoal...