Even on our Caribbean island in the middle of the Atlantic, relative proximity to the U.S. market provides us access to a few products of the American Capitalist System™ that, in the Socialist Republic of Slovenia☭, are largely impossible to obtain.

Here are a few that have been most valuable to me. It so happens that most of these revolve around a high protein intake. This has been frustrating for me to achieve in Slovenia, as products low in fat are hard to get, and/or are insufficiently labeled. U.S. food, meanwhile, is a boon for people with my kind of dietary preference.

Contrary to what people think, obesity in the U.S. is not due to poor diet. A wider variety of choices and better labeling make it easy to maintain a fit figure through diet in the U.S., while doing the same is frustrating in Europe. Americans are obese because it's culturally acceptable, so many choose to be that way.

Cooking spray

You can avoid the mess, hassle and extra calories that come with oiling your pan by simply spraying it with this.

Never mind the "organic". Anything that says "organic" or "bio" is an attempt to bullshit you. Everything that's edible is "organic" and "bio". Things that aren't edible are poison. Most of those don't get on shelves.

Liquid Egg Whites

Eggs are an excellent source of protein, but too many egg yolks aren't good for you, chucking them away feels like an awful waste, and separating piles of eggs for an eggwhite omelet is a hassle.

Lo and behold, liquid eggwhites. Just open and pour into the pan. This being the result of an industrial process, I am 95% sure that the corresponding egg yolks are used for some purpose. This is probably a better use of resources than buying eggs and throwing yolks away.

Presliced Low-Fat Meat

Lo and behold, presliced turkey breast with tasty seasoning and almost entirely consisting of protein. In Slovenia, most meat products are 50% fat, and have double or triple the calories for the same amount of protein.

Fat Free Cheese

Lo and behold, cheese that is all protein, no fat. Top, pre-shredded Mozarella ready to sprinkle on your eggwhite omelet. Bottom, all-protein singles.

There's plenty variety of cheese in Slovenia, but it's all half fat.

TV Dinners

The ultimate in convenience as far as warm meals go, and some are very tasty to boot. Chuck it in the microwave and voila, a small meal is ready in 3-5 minutes. In addition, labeling makes it easy for folks like me to track their calorie and protein intake.

These are some of my favorites:

Canned Soups

My wife likes this kind of canned soups a lot - her favorite are Campbell's:

Protein Shakes

Sadly not available in St. Kitts, but you can get them in most every corner drugstore in the U.S. They beat protein powders as the taste is better, and they're easier to use since no mixing or weighing is required. I'd love for something like these EAS AdvantEDGE drinks to be available in St. Kitts.

Resealable Plastic Bags

How come this isn't available in Slovenia, I cannot fathom. These baggies are cheap, come in many sizes, and are easy to seal and reseal. Everyone who sees them for the first time wants them: