Posted Oct 11, 2009 at 05:03 by denisbider
Last edited Oct 11, 2009 at 05:14 by denisbider
Fantastic!In a couple of decades, it may be standard practice to replace older people's worn out joints by growing new joints from the patients' stem cells.
Let's hope for similar breakthroughs that will allow the growing and replacement of people's organs, as well.
Now consider IBM's efforts to develop techniques for quickly and cheaply
sequencing a person's DNA.
These types of breakthroughs may allow a person's DNA to be sequenced when young, and reproduced when the person is older.
The DNA in your cells gets damaged as you age, but a digital copy of your DNA takes a snapshot at the age at which it was sequenced.
Live another 50 years, and the breakthroughs that will be achieved during this time may allow us to continue living much, much longer!
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