In March 2008, an 11-year old died from undiagnosed but treatable diabetes as her parents prayed by her side without even considering taking her to a doctor.

Now, the parents have been sentenced leniently by a judge who sympathized with them.

Quotes from the article:
During the sentencing hearing, Leilani Neumann, 41, told the judge her family is loving and forgiving and has wrongly been portrayed as religious zealots.

"I do not regret trusting truly in the Lord for my daughter's health," she said. "Did we know she had a fatal illness? No. Did we act to the best of our knowledge? Yes."

Dale Neumann, 47, read from the Bible and told the judge that he loved his daughter.

"I am guilty of trusting my Lord's wisdom completely. ... Guilty of asking for heavenly intervention. Guilty of following Jesus Christ when the whole world does not understand. Guilty of obeying my God," he said.
Compare this to child molestation.

If the parents were mad in a sexual way, and believed that it's okay for them to molest their children, they would be sent away for a long, long time, and would never see their kids again.

But the parents are mad in a religious way. Religious madness is apparently much more acceptable. Even when it results in death, it does not warrant taking the children away.

The parents get a slap on the wrist, and they get to keep their kids so they can continue exposing them to religious abuse in the future.