From a Slovenian you don't know, but the message matters:


Yesterday I found an interview with a researcher working on the Oxford version of the vaccine and a sentence which he carelessly and casually mouthed, specifically that the vaccine will sterilize “only” 70% of the population, sounded so incredible to me, I thought I must have misunderstood. I therefore asked dr. Pušenjak for an explanation. I received a reply which shocked me even more and which cannot be missed 📷

“There's not much to comment, it's all clearly stated. The vaccines in approximately 2/3 of cases (70%) cause formation of antibodies against a surface protein of the virus Sars-cov-2, which is similar or identical to the protein syncytin-1, which is important in fertility and in the placenta, which means the immune system may attack own structures in the ovary of the woman and in the placenta of the fetus, which are important for the continuation of the species. In other words, about 2/3 of women after vaccination may at least for some time, but maybe permanently, be infertile. Even the theory that this is possible should trigger all red flags, and this type of consequence can unfortunately only be found after several years. The ignoring of this possibility is at the very least a consequence of conflict of interest from the developers and sellers of vaccines against Sars-cov-2, I only hope it isn't even more. Because this is about information that's not supported by leading media and medical authorities and it is not discussed even among the elite, it's impossible to verify what of this is true, but if no one is clearly disproving this, the problem is large enough to warrant taking into account. This vaccination is the largest experiment on humanity so far and official medicine is cooperating with it on a global level in the same way as when 80 years ago, medicine worked with the regime in the Third Reich. But those were experiments on some 100,000 people, this time it's an experiment on humanity.”


Včeraj sem zasledila intervju z razvijalcem oksfordske različice cepiva in se mi je stavek, ki ga je tako brezbrižno mimogrede izustil, namreč da bo cepivo steriliziralo “le” 70% populacije, zdel tako neverjeten, da sem mislila, da sem narobe razumela. Zato sem prosila dr. Pušenjaka za razlago. Dobila sem odgovor, ki me je še bolj šokiral in ki ne more ostati spregledan 📷

“Ni kaj dosti za komentirat, saj je vse jasno povedano. Cepiva v cca 2/3 primerih (70%) povzročijo tvorbo protiteles proti površinskemu proteinu virusa Sars-cov-2, ki je zelo podoben ali identičen beljakovini syncytin-1, katera je pomembna v plodnosti in v posteljici pri plodu, kar pomeni, da bo imunski sistem lahko napadal lastne strukture v jajčniku pri ženski in posteljici pri plodu, ki so pomembne za nadaljevanje vrste. Z drugimi besedami, okrog 2/3 žensk bi po cepljenju vsaj nekaj časa, morda pa trajno, lahko bilo neplodnih. Že samo teorija, da je to možno, bi morala prižgati vse semaforje na rdeče, tovrstne posledice pa bi se žal dalo ugotoviti šele po nekaj letih. Ignoriranje te možnosti je najmanj posledica konfliktov interesa razvijalcev in prodajalcev cepiv proti Sars-cov-2, samo upam, da ne še kaj več. Ker gre za informacije, ki niso podprte s strani vodilnih medijev niti stroke in se o tem nič ne razpravlja niti med posvečenimi, je nemogoče preveriti, kaj od tega je res, ampak če tega niti nihče jasno ne demantira, je problem dovolj velik, da ga velja upoštevati. pri tem cepljenju gre namreč za doslej največji eksperiment na človeštvu do zdaj in uradna stroka pri tem sodeluje na globalni ravni kot je nekoč pred 80 leti v III. Rajhu z režimom sodelovala medicina. A tisto so bili eksperimenti na nekaj 100.000 ljudeh, tokrat gre za eksperiment na človeštvu.”

The good doctor was quickly persuaded to refute this position, no doubt because his license is at stake. He has been educated that the chances of the vaccine causing an autoimmune reaction are negligible because the differences in the structure of amino acids are nearly insurmountable. Now he knows!

It's safe to vaccinate everyone and then we'll just see what happens. And this, for a virus that nearly everyone survives, and which has not meaningfully affected death rates. And which especially does not harm people of reproductive age.

This makes total sense. If we knew all this in 2019, this is exactly what we would have planned!

Keep in mind:

  • No one would "fact check" anything if it wasn't in their interest that you do not believe it.

  • "Fact checking" does not exist to encourage inquiry. It exists to nip it in the bud.

People are frustrated about 2020 – but we actually live in 1984.

With that said – here is Snopes.