If your country has government-backed retirement and "free health care" for the elderly – for example, Social Security and Medicare – this guarantees that in 90 years, your government will be mass-importing millions of foreign people from strange lands, while the retirement and health care you receive will be worthless.

Without these government-backed programs, young people planning for the future are incentivized to start families. This way, when they're in their 70s and their teeth are falling out, someone might bring them soup and take them to the doctor's office. It's also better to have more than just one or two kids. Just in case.

With government safety nets, there's no such pressure. Instead, the pressure is to not have kids. It seems prudent to work in a mind-numbing job for 40 years, and pay into the government retirement scheme. You trust the government, because it exists, but you don't trust children who don't exist yet. So you have fewer or no children. Instead of investing into family, you spend your income on vacations, travel, and enjoyment.

Then old age comes, and guess what. Everyone did the same thing that you did. Everyone now expects to receive services for which they "paid" for 40 years. But no one had kids, so there are now few working people. The money that you paid into Social Security was gone the minute it left your account, because it wasn't savings; it was a transfer scheme. But now there is no next generation. Shucks, huh? 😎😊

The government, who planned this all along, says: "See, this is why we need to import infinity strangers! Let us bring African doctors and nurses so they can murder you care for you." They launch 5 pandemics, give you 20 vaccines, and the "free health care" you thought you're getting, kills you. With plausible deniability.

"Government safety" is a trap. But also: what we fear is self-created. You don't need to see a doctor, even in old age. Your teeth don't need to fall out. People just expect these things, so they live in a way that makes it happen. They visit doctors, "just in case." Doctors prescribe statins, because that's what we do. Don't ask why. Long-term use of statins doesn't help your heart. It starves your brain of cholesterol, and this gives you Alzheimer's. So there you are, in the dementia ward, just like you expected to be. Aren't expectations nice?